I'm 39 weeks pregnant and due in 3 days to deliver my first child.
I've noticed that my dog, Sadie, seems to be concerned about me. It appears that she just can't get close enough. If I'm sitting on the couch she is practically on top of me (yes, I know, I'm a bad pet owner I let my dog up on the couch). If I'm in bed she wants to be there too, which I actually don't allow, and if I trip over her one more time when I'm walking down the hallway I swear I'm gonna pull my hair out!
So what is up with this behaviour? Is this all in my head or is my dog sensing the "miracle of life"? Can animals tell when you're going to go into labour? Do they know when things are gonna start happening better then we do?
I'd love to know what's going on in her little brain.
Whatever the case there will soon be a new little person to share our life with. I know it's going to not only be a huge adjustment for my husband and myself but also for Sadie. I feel that she is going to handle it ok and I'm not the type of person that will take risks with my baby and my dog. I love Sadie with all my heart but I understand that she is still a dog not a babysitter, a toy, or a subsitute for entertainment for my child. Baby and dog stay seperate and that's just the way I think things should be. With lots of supervision and praise, over time, Sadie will get to know our child and I'm sure eventually the two will become great friends.
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