I am starting to notice that there are more and more places that are accepting the presence of dogs.For example, you can take your dog to your local pet supply store and bring him in with you when you're shopping. Dog parks are popping up everywhere, as well as doggie daycare programs. Dog shows, grooming shops and vet clinics have always welcomed our four legged friends of course. However, as time passes and more people use these outlets I am starting to notice an increase in doggie sickness, such as infectious tracheobronchitis or as most people know it, kennel cough. As a manager of a facility that kennels dogs I find it quite frustrating when a dog comes down with kennel cough and it is automatically assumed that the dog got it from a kennel.
First of all, some dogs can be carriers of the virus and show no symptoms, making it impossible to tell if a dog coming into our facility has the virus or not. Hacking, coughing, sneezing and sometimes even vomiting are usually indications that the dog is suffering from kennel cough. Not only is it hard to identify in some dogs, it is also extremely contagious, so once one dog brings it into a facility, usually you can count on quite a few of the other dogs getting it too. Think of the common cold in humans and how quickly it can spread around the office. Just to make it a little more interesting, you can vaccinate your dog against kennel cough but it is not 100% guaranteed that Fido won't get sick.
Why I find this frustrating is because the whole team of employees that work at our facility work extremely hard at keeping the enviroment clean and sanitary for the dogs in our care. I find it very dissappointing when I call a vet clinic to ask them questions or get their help and the receptionist I am talking to immediately assumes that the dog contracted the kennel cough from our facility and starts talking to me like I'm at fault. To all those bitchy receptionists that answer my phone call at whatever clinic I'm calling, I have news for you, I used to work in a clinic, I used to do your job, I understand how busy and stressful your position can be, but I ask you to take a step back and educate yourself on kennel cough. Thank goodness not all veterinary clinics are the same. There a some great clinics out there with educated staff that are a huge help to me and I appreciate their advice and understanding tremendously.
First of all, some dogs can be carriers of the virus and show no symptoms, making it impossible to tell if a dog coming into our facility has the virus or not. Hacking, coughing, sneezing and sometimes even vomiting are usually indications that the dog is suffering from kennel cough. Not only is it hard to identify in some dogs, it is also extremely contagious, so once one dog brings it into a facility, usually you can count on quite a few of the other dogs getting it too. Think of the common cold in humans and how quickly it can spread around the office. Just to make it a little more interesting, you can vaccinate your dog against kennel cough but it is not 100% guaranteed that Fido won't get sick.
Why I find this frustrating is because the whole team of employees that work at our facility work extremely hard at keeping the enviroment clean and sanitary for the dogs in our care. I find it very dissappointing when I call a vet clinic to ask them questions or get their help and the receptionist I am talking to immediately assumes that the dog contracted the kennel cough from our facility and starts talking to me like I'm at fault. To all those bitchy receptionists that answer my phone call at whatever clinic I'm calling, I have news for you, I used to work in a clinic, I used to do your job, I understand how busy and stressful your position can be, but I ask you to take a step back and educate yourself on kennel cough. Thank goodness not all veterinary clinics are the same. There a some great clinics out there with educated staff that are a huge help to me and I appreciate their advice and understanding tremendously.