When you've been rushing around all day and the dogs been sitting at home alone, I think to myself, could she be lonely? Now I know dogs get bored, I've learned that the hard way, but do they experience other types of human feelings such as loneliness? It's definitely something that as humans we all experience at one point in time or another but can it be the same for dogs? Both myself and my husband work full time and participate in "after work ventures" to contribute to our chosen career paths. So how does this affect our dog? I've noticed when I haven't spent alot of time with her she simply does not listen to me as well as if I've spent all day with her. It's almost like she is giving me the silent treatment. Now I'm not the type of person to apply human feelings to dogs but I have to wonder about this one. The picture on the right is proof of a bored dog, but was she feeling lonely????? Lesson learned, make sure you crate your bored/lonely dog.